The last couple of days I interviewed ten people to see what they thought about katanas. This is the feed back I got. I asked person one what he liked and disliked about modern katanas ? Person one," I like how modern katanas are forged, I believe that they are made a lot better than they used to be made, I don't like how heavy they are though. I asked person two what she thought about the katana making process. Person two," I think it takes a lot of skill and patience to make katanas, I've hear they have to do everything perfect or start the whole thing over from scratch." When I asked my mom what she thought about katanas she said," I don't like swords that is why I got my gun."
I asked my dad what he thought would be the ultimate temper test for a katana his answer was," I would like to see a katana cut through an army tank.
As you can see up top is a video of a guy fighting with a katana if it shows up blank watch it at home."
Well, there were quite a few grammatical errors in this post. You should get someone else to read over your posts before posting them. This could help a lot! Pay attention to where commas and periods are being placed. You seem to be getting the two confused. There is not a URL for the picture you have posted.